B&S rotary trumpet information

Moderatoren: Dr. Enrico Weller, Mario Weller

Beiträge: 3
Registriert: So 22. Okt 2023, 21:44

B&S rotary trumpet information

Beitrag von rv_ph »

Dear Mr. Weller,

I own this B&S rotary trumpet in Bb. It has a light and resonant sound. I think it looks somewhat like modern 3005 trumpet model. The serial number is 233440, and it has B&S logo stamped on a bell with a star and R(registration) mark.
I would like to know more about this particular trumpet and in which year it was manufactured.

Thank you and best wishes,
Ruslan Varlamov


Mario Weller
Beiträge: 1444
Registriert: So 08. Apr 2007, 16:25
Wohnort: Markneukirchen

Re: B&S rotary trumpet information

Beitrag von Mario Weller »

Hello Mr. Varlamov,

your trumpet was made in 1986. The model has now been around for 55 years (minimum), always referred to as B & S No. 3005.

In 1970 B&S writes: "Artist quality. The concert model for the discriminating player".

Best regards

Mario Weller
