oboe with clarinet mouthpiece

Moderatoren: Dr. Enrico Weller, Mario Weller

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Registriert: Fr 14. Feb 2025, 3:10

oboe with clarinet mouthpiece

Beitrag von aniepark »

a few weeks ago I noticed an oboe that can be played with the well-known double reed as well as with a very small clarinet mouthpiece.
Does anyone know how you can get a mouthpiece like that without having to buy the oboe at the same time?
After my doctor advised me against double reed instruments for health reasons years ago, this would be a very interesting alternative to still be able to play the oboe.

Beiträge: 667
Registriert: Mo 02. Feb 2015, 17:07

Re: oboe with clarinet mouthpiece

Beitrag von tobi »

Hi there,
sorry; I cannot answer your question, but:

* V. Kohlert's Söhne did build such special instruments prior to WW2.
* If there is someone who builds such mouthpieces today, I can't answer.
* Pictures would help for sure...

Regards, Tobi.

el gitano
Beiträge: 116
Registriert: Di 04. Mär 2014, 14:23

Re: oboe with clarinet mouthpiece

Beitrag von el gitano »

today nobody makes this kind of mouthpieces. The last one, who made the single read mouthpiece for basson instruments, is still not avaible.
Years agoe it was possible to get second hand oboe mouthpieces from chedeville o Lelandais in ebay for 200 o 300 €, but now it´s very dificult.

Beiträge: 667
Registriert: Mo 02. Feb 2015, 17:07

Re: oboe with clarinet mouthpiece

Beitrag von tobi »

Hello aniepark,

here is an example just for visualization purpose.

Again - further pictures would be helpful for all of us...
Regards, Tobi.

Beiträge: 120
Registriert: Mo 30. Apr 2012, 14:05
Wohnort: 93XXX bei Regensburg

Re: oboe with clarinet mouthpiece

Beitrag von swingtime »

das ist ja wirklich nett.
Hier bedient sich jemand meines kompletten Textes den ich am 06.12.2022 eingestellt habe.
Bitte beim nächsten Mal etwas mehr Phantasie.

Beiträge: 120
Registriert: Mo 30. Apr 2012, 14:05
Wohnort: 93XXX bei Regensburg

Re: oboe with clarinet mouthpiece

Beitrag von swingtime »

Diese Hersteller haben früher Klarinettenmundstücke für Oboe / Fagott gebaut:

• Chedeville
• Comprar Mundstück Runyon Basson
• Harry Bettoney / Bassoon (Single Reed Mouthpiece)
• Runyon
• Oboe Single Reed Mouthpiece
• Basson Single Reed Mouthpiece
