Die Suche ergab 88 Treffer

von Shallow
Mo 02. Mai 2011, 9:07
Forum: Vogtlandgitarren und andere Zupfinstrumente
Thema: romantic guitar
Antworten: 9
Zugriffe: 7136

Re: romantic guitar

Hi Oldguy. I have the gut feeling that this guitar is more likely to be from Egerland (current Cheb in the Czech republic) than from Vogtland. Specially if found in Canada. According with the guitars of that period I know and the slightly different building features used at both sides of the border,...
von Shallow
Fr 11. Dez 2009, 16:56
Forum: Vogtlandgitarren und andere Zupfinstrumente
Thema: Musima & England? Benötige Hilfe!
Antworten: 5
Zugriffe: 4371

Re: Musima & England? Benötige Hilfe!

It's well known that the main German exporters to the UK were Höfner and Framus. Framus made a wide variety of custom stuff for may brands. Following these two makers, were Hüttl and Fasan, and even Teller and Roger sold a few too. All these makers were from the FDR, but there was some trade from ...
von Shallow
Do 05. Nov 2009, 13:27
Forum: Vogtlandgitarren und andere Zupfinstrumente
Thema: Musima 1657
Antworten: 2
Zugriffe: 3811

Re: Musima 1657

Check this. Musimas are not unusual. They were the main DDR guitar makers from the '60s on and supplied all the east block. The 1657 is not as abundant as the way more typical 1655 model, but they both were decently built mid range guitars. About pricing they use to range from 150 to 350 Euro depen...
von Shallow
Mo 07. Sep 2009, 13:11
Forum: Vogtlandgitarren und andere Zupfinstrumente
Thema: OTWIN Otto Windisch Tonabnehmer Patent
Antworten: 3
Zugriffe: 3604

Re: OTWIN Otto Windisch Tonabnehmer Patent

Thanks a lot for sharing this document, Stefan. This what I always thought. I find no connection in the making style and design of the Rellog and the Otwin pickups. And in other hand Rellog and EAM faded from very early sixties without a trace, while Otwin kept using their recognizable and unique pi...
von Shallow
So 06. Sep 2009, 18:31
Forum: Vogtlandgitarren und andere Zupfinstrumente
Thema: Helft mit beim Aufbau!
Antworten: 5
Zugriffe: 3660

Re: Helft mit beim Aufbau!

My two cents. http://euroguitars.co.uk/viewtopic.php?f=9&t=187&sid=666e48d72ec5e83e60a915a8a9925a9e http://euroguitars.co.uk/viewtopic.php?f=9&t=587&sid=666e48d72ec5e83e60a915a8a9925a9e http://euroguitars.co.uk/viewtopic.php?f=9&t=43&sid=666e48d72ec5e83e60a915a8a9925a9e Hope any of you would improve...
von Shallow
Mo 31. Aug 2009, 13:30
Forum: Vogtlandgitarren und andere Zupfinstrumente
Thema: Idendifizierung einer Gitarre
Antworten: 2
Zugriffe: 3607

Re: Idendifizierung einer Gitarre

I have seen an Star 61 before. It differs slightly from the Star 62 if I remember well. It looked slightly less arched than the 62 and having about no recurve. The rest is essentially the same in both models. Perhaps they were just two coexistent different models, or just different year versions. My...
von Shallow
Do 06. Aug 2009, 12:05
Forum: Vogtlandgitarren und andere Zupfinstrumente
Thema: Musima semi-akkustische Gitarre - Modell, Alter, Reparatur?
Antworten: 13
Zugriffe: 11271

Re: Musima semi-akkustische Gitarre - Modell, Alter, Reparatur?

hallo zusammen. Ich bin auch im Besitz einer solchen Gitarre und würde sie gern an einen amp anschließen. Das Problem was ich nun habe ist, dass ich leider kein passendes Kabel dazu habe und auch die Art der Buchse mir fremd ist. Kann mir einer evtl. verraten, um welchen Typ Buchse es sich hier h...
von Shallow
Do 02. Apr 2009, 12:51
Forum: Vogtlandgitarren und andere Zupfinstrumente
Thema: Old Martin Guitars
Antworten: 3
Zugriffe: 3480

Re: Old Martin Guitars

Before moving to the USA and after a frustrated attempt of settling back in Markneukirchen, he worked at the Stauffer workshop in Vienna. He became the workshop manager before leaving, so better look for info on Stauffer guitars of that period. Though the Stauffers were the masters and the owners, H...
von Shallow
Di 13. Jan 2009, 16:05
Forum: Vogtlandgitarren und andere Zupfinstrumente
Thema: Golden Melody = Otwin ???
Antworten: 4
Zugriffe: 3798

Re: Golden Melody = Otwin ???

Yes, you're right!
von Shallow
Mo 12. Jan 2009, 9:33
Forum: Vogtlandgitarren und andere Zupfinstrumente
Thema: Golden Melody = Otwin ???
Antworten: 4
Zugriffe: 3798

Re: Golden Melody = Otwin ???

It is a Goldon Melody. Goldon was a maker from the DDR but there's not much info available about it. About this guitar, I don't think it has a Rellog pickup besides there are some frets missing at the fretboard end. This was very common and doesn't mean there's always a pickup underneath. Though Gol...
von Shallow
Do 06. Nov 2008, 1:05
Forum: Vogtlandgitarren und andere Zupfinstrumente
Thema: Alfred Schaufuss
Antworten: 10
Zugriffe: 6959

Re: Alfred Schaufuss

Sorry Stefan. I told the guys to stop doing it. I hope I'll manage to convince everyone to do the things right from now on. There's a problem to correct the stuff currently posted. The edit option disappears after a few minutes when a new post is successfully uploaded, But I'll email the moderator a...
von Shallow
Mi 05. Nov 2008, 13:39
Forum: Vogtlandgitarren und andere Zupfinstrumente
Thema: Alfred Schaufuss
Antworten: 10
Zugriffe: 6959

Re: Alfred Schaufuss

The pictures were posted by Peer at the European Guitars Forums.
von Shallow
Di 04. Nov 2008, 19:24
Forum: Vogtlandgitarren und andere Zupfinstrumente
Thema: Alfred Schaufuss
Antworten: 10
Zugriffe: 6959

Alfred Schaufuss

Isn't that label showing inside the upper schallöcher a Migma Mesiter label?


This guitar is supposedly a '55 Schaufuss. Was Alfred Schaufuss related to Migma?

Thanks in advance.